Smoking Cessation Program

Our interdisciplinary team provides free counselling to help you on your journey towards a smoke free life.  We offer free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), including patches, gum, lozenges, and inhalers.  We are part of the STOP with Family Health Team Program funded by the Government of Ontario in partnership with the Centres for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

Initial visits take about 60 minutes.  Consent forms must be signed to enroll with the STOP program as Family Health Teams receive NRT products free of charge.  Follow-up visits are every 2 to 4 weeks and take about 15 to 30 minutes.  This service is open only to patients of the AFHT.  For more information / to register please call 519-736-7770.

For more information or to join the STOP program visit the STOP Program Website

To enroll in the STOP program online visit the STOP Program Application Website AND book a STOP appointment at our office by calling 519-736-7770


Canadian Cancer Society

Want to enroll in this program?

You can enroll various ways by either speaking to your healthcare provider, calling our office or requesting an appointment online

Has this program improved your quality of life? Is there something we can improve?

Please let us know by clicking on the Program Evaluation Survey button below


Optimizing Health Care for Residents of Amherstburg, ON.